AG Teens Sunday School 26 July 2024: Getting to the heart of God

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AG Teens Sunday School 26 July 2024: Getting to the heart of God. This is a publication of the Teens Ministry of the Assemblies of God Nigeria


SUNDAY, 28TH JULY, 2024.



TEXT: Psalm 145:8-9; Isa 40:1-2; 49:14-16; Matt 1:40-42,44; Rom 5:8

KEY VERSE: Psalm 145:8-9 The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. (KJV)


We live in a throwaway society. We throw away tons of garbage each day. This disposable mentality isn’t limited to material objects. Many people are cast aside each day by those who see little use for them. If a person doesn’t meet the standards of others, he or she is often discarded and left to despair.

It’s easy to fall into this mentality. In some ways, we might even act as though treating people with compassion is a sign of weakness. We tend to cherish association with the strong, lovely, and mighty; and we fear we’ll be rejected or excluded from such cliques if we embrace the weak and unlovely.

Our human instincts often keep us from taking such risk. But in this study, we’ll see that true compassion doesn’t demonstrate weakness; it demonstrates the very nature of God. As His followers, we must be compassionate.

Are you ready to reach out to those who are hurting or in need? Are you willing to love the unlovely? Allow this study to challenge both you and your students to examine your levels of compassion. If you’ve been guilty of casting others side, seek forgiveness and ask God for strength and wisdom to do what is right.

The Basic Message: Explain to students…

God compassionately reaches out to the hurting and even the rebellious.

Understanding God’s compassion gives us confidence to come to Him for help and mercy.

Accept God’s compassion toward you and demonstrate His compassion to others.

Activity Option: SONG DISCUSSION

Play “Touch Through Me Holy Spirit” by Jimmy Swaggart from the album Sweet Anointing. You can download It on YouTube via this link: It’s a song of yielding to God as a veritable channel for His Spirit to pass through and bless lives. When we receive God’s compassion, we should share it with others.

• How can you show mercy and compassion to others?

Guide: Explain that sometimes it’s easy to ignore the struggles and pain of others, especially when we don’t know the people involved or we figure that they’re getting what they deserve (e.g., criminals, addicts). Often, it’s only when we’re confronted head-on with tragedy, extreme need, or hopelessness that we feel a tug at our hearts. But God has compassion on all people. That’s good news for everyone.

Study Overview: Explain that today’s study considers…

• The fact that God’s compassion toward us is unchanging.

• How God’s compassion results in action.

• The fact that we should show compassion because we received it from God.

Inform and Discuss

Guide: Explain that compassion is a feeling of sympathy toward others’ distress combined with a desire to alleviate their suffering. True compassion is more than pity or sadness — it’s action.

a). Disabilities

1. Read or have a volunteer read Mark 1:40-42,44. In what way might the man with leprosy be distressed or suffering? [Hint: Besides the physical distress caused by leprosy, Jewish laws required lepers to live in isolation. The man had been permanently separated from his family. He had to beg because he could not easily earn a living. His disease affected every aspect of his life.]

2. How was Jesus’ healing of the man with leprosy an act of compassion? [Guide: Explain that Jesus took an action that alleviated the man’s suffering. He could have simply spoken the words and healed the man. But by actually touching him, Jesus demonstrated a bold and extreme compassion that likely sent a profound message to both the man and the crowd who witnessed it.]

3. Read or have a volunteer read Matt 9:35-38. What actions did Jesus take that showed His compassion? [Hint: Jesus healed every disease and sickness. He went to the people. He taught them and told them the good news. He saw that they were harassed and helpless. He told His disciples to pray for more workers to minister to the lost, sick, and hurting.]

Note: Jesus’ actions revealed God’s heart – John 5:19; 10:30; 14:9.

4. How should believers treat hurting people? Does it matter how or why they are hurting? Explain. (Hint: No matter why they hurt, we need to follow Jesus’ example of reaching out in love and compassion.]

b). Forsaken

1. Read or have a volunteer read Isa 49:14-16. Is there a difference between feeling forsaken and being forsaken? What could you tell a friend who feels forsaken by God? [Hint: Feelings aren’t facts. We must compare our feelings to what God’s Word says, then choose to believe His promises, not what we feel.]

2. How did God assure His people that they would never be forsaken? [Hint: He said that He had engraved their names on the palm of His hands. That should have given them confidence that God wouldn’t forget them.

Guide: Explain that Isaiah prophesied of a time when Jerusalem would lay in ruins and the people would be exiled to Babylon. God’s people would wonder if He had forsaken them. Yes, it’s possible for a mother to abandon her baby, but it is impossible for God to forget His own people. Point out that God’s love is both personal and permanent. We are always in His thoughts; He is always aware of our condition. And because of His compassion, He seeks to heal, comfort, ad save us.

c). Endangered

1. Read or have a volunteer read Isa 40:1-2. Why is God speaking comfort to His people?

Guide: Explain that even God’s discipline demonstrates His compassion. God doesn’t enjoy disciplining people, but sin demands punishment. God chastises people to bring them to Himself. When people cry out to Him for mercy, He compassionately steps in to comfort and deliver them.

Guide: Read or have a volunteer read Matt 23:37-39; Rom 5:8. Explain that this passage is Jesus’ last public words to Israel, and it is a lament. Jerusalem was the site of the temple — the place intended to be the central dwelling place of God’s presence on the earth. But, instead of being known for the presence of God, it was known as the city that killed the prophets and teachers sent to them by God. Of course, Jesus knew that what happened before would happen again, only this time they would kill the Messiah.

1. Although Jesus is aware of their rebellion, what is His response? [Hint: He desires to gather them and shelter them. He mourns over the suffering they will undergo because of their rebellion.]

2. After sending teachers and prophets to warn of impeding judgment, how did God demonstrate His compassion? [Hint: He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for us.]

Guide: Explain that God has compassion for those who, though they have rejected Him, aren’t aware of the judgment that awaits them. God wants us to feel the urgency of His compassion, to make our hearts right with Him, and to become extensions of His compassion by reaching out to the lost.

Invitation Option: If any of your students would like to accept God‘s compassion and forgiveness, invite them to commit their lives to Him by making Jesus the Forgiver of their sins and the Leader of their lives. Pray with them, using The ABC of Salvation (see pg 2 of the Student Guide), walk them through the steps of salvation.

Involve Them: COMPASSION FOR THE LOST Remind your students that God has no less compassion for unbelievers than He does for those who faithfully follow Him. Have your students think about their friends, family members, or other people they come in contact with who don’t know Christ.

Have them consider the following questions: How can I share with or remind this person of what God in His compassion did for him or her?  What could I tell this person about how God has demonstrated His compassion to me?  What can I do that would show compassion without words?

Guide: Explain that our acts of compassion, whether in words of deeds, may be the only examples of God’s love that somebody will recognize.

Inspire Them: Remind students THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study (pg 023), even as you explain WHAT’S the Big Idea behind the study is; WHY it matters; and HOW we can live the lesson captured in this study.

Ministry Activity: Distribute paper and pens or pencils. Have students take a few moments to try to identify times God showed them compassion. God’s compassion cane expressed in many ways. Sometime God miraculously delivers us from difficulty. Other times, He gives us strength to endure it. Encourage students to record examples of both.

Conclude the session by challenging students to seek the strength of Jesus so that they can live out love and compassion.

Teacher Hint: Ask Yourself…

  • 1. Do students realize the great compassion that God has for them?
  • 2. Do they understand that true compassion leads to action that help alleviate suffering?
  • 3. Can they identify instances of God’s compassion in their own lives?

Daily Dew Drops:

  • Mon: Give Freely – Exodus 25:1-9
  • Tue: Detailed Obedience — Exodus 27:1-8
  • Wed: Honour God’s Ministers — Exodus 28:1-5
  • Thu: Skilled for Service — Exodus 31:1-11
  • Fri: Patience – Exodus 32:1-10
  • Sat: Serve No Other God — Exodus 34:10-17

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Read aand Study previous AG Evangel Daily Meal Here

Heavenly Father,

I come to You in humility and repentance, acknowledging my sins and my need for Your grace. Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God, who died for my sins and rose again to give me eternal life. I confess You as my Savior and Lord.

Forgive me, cleanse me with Your precious blood, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I turn away from my sinful ways and open my heart to You. Take control of my life and guide me in Your truth.

If you joined in that life-changing prayer, congratulations! We are happy that you have surrendered your life to Jesus!

About AG Sunday School Manual


The Assemblies of God Sunday School Manual provides comprehensive and engaging lessons to enhance your weekly spiritual journey. Designed for believers of all ages, this manual offers in-depth biblical teachings, practical applications, and discussion prompts to foster deeper understanding and personal growth.

Each lesson aims to inspire faith, encourage community, and equip you with the knowledge to navigate life’s challenges through God’s word. Join a global community of believers using the Assemblies of God Sunday School Manual and enrich your spiritual walk every week.

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