AG Sunday School Manual Adult Teacher 11th August 2024 – God’ Covenant with Abraham

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AG Sunday School Manual Adult Teacher 11th August 2024 – God’ Covenant with Abraham. Get all Assmblies of God Sunday School Manual here


UNIT 2: Early Israelite History

LESSON 6: August 11, 2024.


Memory Verse: Genesis 15:6 - [Abraham] believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.

Lesson Central Truth:
God still calls people to enter into covenant with Him.


God’s covenant with Abraham, a pivotal moment in biblical history that shaped the course of humanity. In this covenant, God makes a promise to Abraham, a promise that would change the world forever. Through this covenant, we see God’s faithfulness, sovereignty, and covenant love on full display.

In Genesis 12:1-3, God calls Abraham, an ordinary man, to embark on an extraordinary journey. He promises to make him the father of a great nation, to bless him, and to make his name great. But this promise comes with a condition: Abraham must trust and obey God.

As we explore God’s covenant with Abraham, we will discover practical applications for our own lives, including the importance of trusting God’s promises and surrendering to His will. May we, like Abraham, learn to trust in God’s faithfulness and covenant love.



A. Abraham’s Calling – Genesis 12:1-5

B. The Calling Is Confirmed By Covenant – Genesis 15:1-21.


A. The Covenant Is Confirmed – Genesis 17:1-8

B. The Sign Of The Covenant Is Identified – Genesis 17:9-14.


A. God’s Covenant Comes Alive In Isaac – Genesis 21:1-8

B. Abraham Is Victorious Through Testing – Genesis 22:1-19.



Genesis 12:1-5; 17:9-14

✅️ God asked Abram (Abraham) to leave his Country (Ur), kindred (relatives), and father’s house (family and familiar surroundings) to strange land (Canaan) in order to dwell there. To obey God’s call, faith is required.

Abraham trusted God’s leading without knowing the exact destination. God’s call is not just for Abraham; it’s for us too. May we respond with faith, obedience, and trust, just like Abraham.

The Lord, without explanation or condition, promises to make Abram a great nation, to bless and make Abram’s name great so that Abram will be a blessing, to bless those who bless Abram and curse those who dishonor him.

Finally, God promises that in Abram, all the families of the earth will be blessed. In response to this command, Abram, Sarai, Abram’s nephew Lot, and their large company head into the land of Canaan. God’s promise to Abraham is a reminder that He desires to bless and use us. We must trust in Hos sovereignty, receive His personal blessing, and strive to be a blessing to others.

✅️ Genesis 15 begins with the “word of the Lord” coming to Abraham in a vision. This arrives with reassurance to Abram about God’s continued commitment to him: Don’t be afraid. I am your shield. Your reward will be great. Abraham, though, takes the opportunity of this visitation from the Lord to ask some hard questions.

He is curious about God’s repeated promises to him. First, addressing the promise that God will make of him a great nation, Abraham respectfully points out that his current heir is a servant, not a son. He has no children. And, at this point, Abraham is well over seventy-five years old (Genesis 12:4). God’s response is to show Abram the stars.

Using this as an analogy, God repeats His promise that Abram’s descendants will be so numerous as to be uncountable. The calling of God to Abraham is well confirmed by covenant. So Abraham trusts God’s promises and believes in His faithfulness. Note that Abraham’s faith is not based on his works or achievements but solely on his trust in God. How much we trust God will determine how far we will go with Him.

Just as God called and covenanted with Abram, He calls and covenants with us. We are called to trust in God’s promises and to have faith in His faithfulness. May we respond to God’s calling with faith and trust, knowing that He is faithful to His promises and committed to us.


Genesis 17:1-14

✅️ In Genesis 17, God confirms His covenant with Abraham, reaffirming His promises and expectations. God appears to Abram, revealing Himself as El Shaddai (God Almighty). God commands Abraham to walk before Him and be blameless, emphasising the importance of faith, obedience, and integrity.

We must cultivate a personal relationship with God, marked by integrity and blamelessness. God reaffirms His covenant with Abram, promising to multiply him and make him the father of many nations. God changes Abram’s name to Abraham, symbolizing his new identity and role as father of many nations. God promises to make Abraham exceedingly fruitful and multiply his descendants.

This promise is a blessing from God, demonstrating His favour and grace. God promises that nations and kings will come from Abraham’s descendants. Glory be to God that by faith we Abraham’s descendants today. God’s everlasting covenant with Abraham serves as a model for His relationship with His people. We must focus on God’s ability to fulfil His promises, even when they seem impossible.

Note that Abraham’s faithfulness impacted future generations, and we are encouraged to leave godly legacy to our generation.

✅️ In Genesis 17:9-14, God establishes circumcision as the sign of His covenant with Abraham and his descendants.God commands Abraham to circumcise every male in his household, including slaves and foreigners.

Circumcision is a physical sign of the covenant, symbolising the removal of sin and dedication to God. Circumcision is a sign of faith, demonstrating trust in God’s promises and commands. Abraham is held accountable for ensuring that all males in his household are circumcised. Obedience to God’s commands is crucial for maintaining a right relationship with Him. Failure to circumcise results in being cut off from the covenant family for violating the covenant.

For us as the New Testament believers, the “sign of circumcision” would endure, but it would be a circumcision of the heart (see Romans 2:25-29) by which our desires, aspirations and values are purified and set apart for God. We have undergone a spiritual transformation through Christ, marked by the removal of sin and old nature, and the adoption of a new identity in Him (Colossians 2:11).

May God indeed guide and empower us to live by His principles of spiritual circumcision.


Genesis 21:1-8; 22:1-19

✅️ God fulfills His promise to Abraham and Sarah, giving them a son, Isaac. Genesis 21:1-8 highlights God’s faithfulness, sovereignty, and covenant love. God remembers His promise to Abraham and Sarah.

Isaac’s birth is a miraculous fulfilment of God’s promise, and it happened at the time God had said it would happen. God’s timing is perfect, demonstrating His sovereignty. When God makes a promise, He will do what He said He would do.

We can trust in His faithfulness, even when circumstances seem uncertain or challenging. His promises are not based on our abilities or worthiness but on His character and nature. As we reflect on God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah, we are reminded that:

• God is a promise-keeper.

• God’s timing is perfect.

• God’s ways are higher than ours.

• God’s faithfulness is unwavering.

May we hold onto these truths and trust in God’s promises, knowing that He will do what He said He would do.

✅️ God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son of promise. The word tempt in Genesis 22:1 is a translation of the Hebrew word nissah, which means “to test; to prove; or to put on trial.” It does not mean to entice to evil.

Abraham faces the ultimate test of faith, being asked to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac demonstrates his surrender and obedience. The angel of the Lord intervenes, providing a substitute sacrifice.

A substitute sacrifice is provided in the form of a ram-offered instead of Isaac’s and Abraham names the mountain “The Lord will provide.” Then the Lord renews and emphasizes His promises to Abraham once more, swearing by Himself. Because of Abraham’s obedience, the Lord promises to bless Abraham, to multiply his offspring exponentially, and to give Abraham’s offspring victory over their enemies (Genesis 22:15–17).

The Lord adds another promise: All the nations of the earth will be blessed through Abraham’s offspring, something that happens unequivocally when Abraham’s descendant, Jesus, becomes the means by which all may come into God’s blessing of grace through faith (Genesis 22:18–19). May we, like Abraham, trust God’s promises, obey His commands, and find victory in the midst of challenges.

Lesson Action Word

God’s covenant with Abraham teaches us to trust in God’s timing and sovereignty, even when His plans seem delayed or uncertain. We are duty-bound to trust, obey, and surrender to His plans.

Lesson Prayer Point

Father, renew Your covenant with us, and help us to walk in Your promises and blessings in Jesus Matchless Name. Amen!

Remain blessed as you join us in our Sunday school both online and at any Assemblies Of God Church close to you as we study together under the Feet of the Master.

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Incase you missed last Sunday Lesson: AG Sunday School Manual Adult Teacher 4th August 2024 – Working Through Church Problems

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