Billy Graham Daily Devotional 2 August 2024: Demands of the Soul

Billy Graham Daily Devotional 2 August 2024 Demands of the Soul
Billy Graham Daily Devotional 2 August 2024: Demands of the Soul

Billy Graham Daily Devotional 2 August 2024 by Billy Graham Evangelistic Association – Demands of the Soul

Topic: Demands of the Soul; Soul & Spirit (Billy Graham Daily Devotional for Today)

And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought . . .
Isaiah 58:11

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Billy Graham Daily Devotional for Today 2nd August 2024 | Message

The soul demands as much attention as the body. It demands fellowship and communion with God. It demands worship, quietness, and meditation. Unless the soul is fed and exercised daily, it becomes weak and shriveled. It remains discontented, confused, restless.

Many people turn to alcohol to try to drown the cryings and longings of the soul. Some turn to a new sex experience. Others attempt to quiet the longings of their souls in other ways. Nothing but God ever completely satisfies, because the soul is made for God, and without God it is restless and in secret torment.

The first step to God is a realization of your spiritual poverty. The poor in spirit do not measure the worth of life in earthly possessions, which fade away, but in terms of eternal realities, which endure forever.

Wise is the man who openly confesses his lack of spiritual wealth and in humility of heart cries, “God, be merciful unto me, a sinner.”

Read Also: Andrew Wommack Daily Devotional 1 August 2024: Freed From The Law

Prayer for the Day (Billy Graham Daily Devotional 2 August 2024)

As I look to You, my Lord and my Redeemer, the strivings of my soul will be satisfied. You alone bring lasting joy.

Note: Do you need to receive the healing touch of Christ? Or do you have a personal testimony you would like to share? You can if you first accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by saying this prayer: 

Heavenly Father,

I come to You in humility and repentance, acknowledging my sins and my need for Your grace. Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God, who died for my sins and rose again to give me eternal life. I confess You as my Savior and Lord.

Forgive me, cleanse me with Your precious blood, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I turn away from my sinful ways and open my heart to You. Take control of my life and guide me in Your truth.

If you joined in that life-changing prayer, congratulations! We are happy that you have surrendered your life to Jesus!

You Can Connect to Open Heavens for Today’s Lesson Here: Open Heaven 1 August 2024: Humility, Pride, And Miracles

About Billy Graham’s Daily Devotional

Billy Graham Daily Devotional provides daily spiritual insights and encouragement drawn from the timeless teachings of renowned evangelist Billy Graham.

Each devotional entry offers reflections on scripture, practical life applications, and words of hope and inspiration to help individuals grow in their faith and navigate daily challenges with a Christ-centered perspective.

Enhance each day with Bible verses, Billy Graham’s reflections, and prayer. You will find the strength, peace and comfort to strengthen your walk with Christ.

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