AG Evangel Daily Meal 3 August 2024: The Unwilling Missionary

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AG Evangel Daily Meal, 3 August 2024: Let’s Go Out and Tell Them. One testimony can change a life forever. The Unwilling Missionary

DATE: Saturday 3rd August, 2024


Jonah 1: 1-5

"..go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations" (Mark 16:15)

🖊️ AG Evangel Daily Meal 3 August 2024: COMMENTARY

Jonah, the son of Amittai, had the call from God to go to the city of Nineveh and call them to repentance so as to escape God’s judgment. He refused and headed towards Tarshish in a bid to escape from God’s presence. God, however, intercepted him with a storm but he preferred death to obeying God.

He said, “No” to the Author and Maker of his life. If you were God, how would you have treated Jonah? It is amazing that rather than kill or allow Jonah to die, God committed Himself to transforming the obstinate Jonah into a herald of the good news.

He sent a whale after Jonah and made him go through hell to bring him to the point of willingness to serve him.

Finally, Jonah assumed the missionary task; his preaching was graced with national repentance.

The king of Nineveh and the whole citizenry responded to Jonah’s
message. Jonah’s story is reflective of the New Testament church who has various ways of evading God’s command to speak the message of salvation to the dying world.

Today, as in the days of Jonah, so many people are ripe for harvest. “Go ye” is still the command. Will you be another Jonah? Won’t you make a choice today to make His last command your first concern?

2 Chronicles 32-33
His last command should be our first concern.

Lord, help me yield to your command. May I not resist your call to share the gospel.

Read All Previuos Evangel Daily Meal Devotions

Also Study: Rhapsody of Realities 3rd August 2024: Talk to your body and it will hear you

Read Also: AG Evangel Daily Meal 2 August 2024: Let’s Go Out and Tell Them

Heavenly Father,

I come to You in humility and repentance, acknowledging my sins and my need for Your grace. Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God, who died for my sins and rose again to give me eternal life. I confess You as my Savior and Lord.

Forgive me, cleanse me with Your precious blood, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I turn away from my sinful ways and open my heart to You. Take control of my life and guide me in Your truth.

If you joined in that life-changing prayer, congratulations! We are happy that you have surrendered your life to Jesus!

About AG Evangel Meal

AG Evangel Daily Meal, crafted by the Assemblies of God, provides daily spiritual nourishment and inspiration. This devotional reaches believers worldwide and offers biblical insights, encouraging messages, and practical life applications. Each day’s entry is designed to strengthen faith, deepen understanding, and promote spiritual growth. Subscribe to AG Evangel Daily Meal and become part of a global community experiencing daily renewal and empowerment through God’s word.

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