Seeds of Destiny 9 August 2024: The God-First Mentality – A Key to Supernatural Provision


    Seeds of Destiny 9 August 2024 by God’s Servant Pst. Dr Paul Enenche: The God-First Mentality – A Key to Supernatural Provision



    SCRIPTURE: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. MATTHEW 6:33.

    When you seek God first, all other things will seek you.

    Seeds of Destiny 9 August 2024 Message

    It has been established that when the principles of God are followed, the resources of God flow.

    The question then is, what principles should one follow in order to experience the provisions of God?

    We shall look at a one of those principles in our study today.

    The God-first Living

    The God-first living is the first principle responsible for supernatural provisions. If a man or a woman will experience the supplies of God, God must be first in their lives.

    Matthew 6: 33 says, Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added on to you.

    Abraham sought God first. He sought God first in prayer as he prayed first thing in the morning.

    Genesis 19:27 says, And Abraham gat up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the Lord:

    When Abraham woke up in the morning, the first person he sought after was God.

    David also sought God first.

    In Psalm 27:4, David said, One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple.

    David desired one thing, and that was to seek after God. He did not desire two or three things; he desired just one thing – seeking after the Lord.

    David seemed to have said, “I’m not looking for money or fame; I am looking for God. I want to dwell in His house all the days of my life.”

    Beloved, the God-first mentality is responsible for supernatural provisions. When you seek God first, all other things will seek you. The omission of God in the priorities of many people is a major reason for the dryness of their hands financially.

    Beloved, I counsel you to seek God first, and all other things shall be added unto you.

    Remember this: When you seek God, all other things will seek you.


    1. Make up your mind to seek God first above all things.

    2. Give your relationship with God the topmost priority.

    PRAYER: Lord, I receive the grace to seek You first above all things. Help me to give the topmost priority to my relationship with You, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


    (Part 1).

    QUOTE: The God-first mentality is what I call an incurable addiction to God; a brutal dedication to God. It is a situation in your life where God is first and last and everything else is in-between. Culled from the book, “21 Uncommon Keys To Financial Overflow” by Dr Paul Enenche.

    DAILY READING: Jeremiah 10-12.

    AMAZING FACT: Ants don’t have lungs. They instead breathe through spiracles, nine or ten tiny openings, depending on the species.

    PROPHETIC WORD (DECLARATION): As you endeavour to function in the God-first mentality, may He cause you to stand out in life, in Jesus’ Name

    Missed Yesterday’s Devotional? Seeds of Destiny 8 August 2024: Actions that Attract Heaven’s Attention

    Missed the Last Seed of Destiny? Read all here

    Also Read: DCLM Daily Manna 9 August 2024: Join The Waiting Souls’ Chariot

    Heavenly Father,

    I come to You in humility and repentance, acknowledging my sins and my need for Your grace. Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God, who died for my sins and rose again to give me eternal life. I confess You as my Savior and Lord.

    Forgive me, cleanse me with Your precious blood, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I turn away from my sinful ways and open my heart to You. Take control of my life and guide me in Your truth.

    If you joined in that life-changing prayer, congratulations! We are happy that you have surrendered your life to Jesus!

    If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234-803-3144-509, 234-803-320-0320.

    Also Study: Rhapsody of Realities 9 August 2024: Things have Changed 

    About the Author

    Dr Paul Enenche is also the author of many destiny-defining and life-transforming books, some of which include the Daily Devotional Seeds of Destiny of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre, which is located in Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. 

    Dunamis is one of the largest siting auditoriums of over 100,000 worshippers, with multiple services every Sunday. Looking for a place to experience God’s Presence, Principles and Power at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies, don’t miss this devotion daily.

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