AG Teens Sunday School 18th August 2024: Delight

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AG Teens Sunday School 18th August 2024: Delight. This is a Teens Ministry of the Assemblies of God Nigeria publication.





TEXT: Deut 30:1-16; Psalm 147:1-11;  Prov 15:8; 1 Peter 3:12

KEY VERSE: Psalm 147:11

The Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love. (NIV)

Teens Sunday School 18th August Focus

Sometimes we forget that teens receive a tremendous emotional lift when the adults in their lives recognize and celebrate their accomplishments. Sadly. Some of the teens in your class may seldom feel the warmth of approval from parents, schoolteachers, or friends. Think about the students in your class.

There probably are few whose names bring a smile on your face. Perhaps others make you cringe or wish to change class or resign — the “troublemakers,” those who come across as strange, or those who seem disinterested in everything you teach. It’s important to keep in mind that these teens need to feel your love and acceptance, too — perhaps even more.

Ask God to show you how to communicate His love in specific ways to each of your students. Determine to delight in students’ small accomplishments. It may take time to see some of them begin to mature in a relationship with God and start living in a way that pleases Him. But as you keep teaching God’s truth and demonstrating His love, you’ll be amazed at the transformation that can take place.

The Basic Message:

Explain to students…

• WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA? God is delighted when we choose to serve Him and obey His commands.

• WHY DOES IT MATTER? To experience what God intends for us, we must live to honour and please Him.

• HOW DO I LIVE IT? Strive to delight God by living righteously and following the instructions in his Word.


Distribute paper and pens or pencils, and ask students to draw some of the things that bring them great pleasure. After a few minutes, have volunteers display their pleasures and talk about the things they drew. Then discuss the following questions:

• What is it about these things that bring you pleasure?

• What do you think pleases God or brings Him pleasure? How do you know?

Explain that as hard as it may be to imagine, we can bring pleasure to God. Today’s study will examine two of the ways we can delight Him.

Study Overview: Explain that today’s study considers… 

• What the Bible says about the things that delight God.

• How we can please God by living righteously.

• How we can please Him by obeying His commands.

Inform and Discuss

a). Righteousness

1. Read or have volunteers read Psalm 147:1-11. What does this Passage tell you about God’s involvement with His creation? [Hint: God is not a distant observer. He continues to involve Himself with His creation, from naming the stars to causing grass to grow; from providing food for wildlife to reaching out to the hurting people. He loves us and wants to be included in each of our lives.]

2. According to verse 11, what delights God? [Guide: Explain that, according to verse 11, God isn’t impressed by such things as strength, beauty, intelligence, or human ability. God is most pleased when people pursue a relationship with Him. He delights in those who honour and trust Him with their lives.]

Note: God sustains, or supports and nourishes, those who humbly depend on Him. But those who do not turn to God or depend on Him will ultimately be humbled. They will discover that the things they spent their lives pursuing have no eternal value.

3. Read or have volunteers read Prov 15:8; 1 Peter 3:12. What do you think it means to be upright or righteous? [Hint: Upright means. Honourable, blameless, and morally right. Righteousness means free from sin, or acting in accordance with God’s standards.]

4. Can anyone really be righteous? If no, why not? If yes, how? [Hint: The Bible teaches that “there is no one righteous, not even one (Rom 3:10). We can never be righteous by our own efforts. But through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus has made His righteousness available to us. By turning from sin and surrendering our lives to Jesus, we’re made righteous by His power and grace (Rom 3:21-24).

5. According to Prov 15:8 and 1 Peter 3:12, what benefit is available to those who live righteous lives? (Hint: While God is against the wicked, He watches over the righteous, and is attentive to their prayers.]

b). Obedience

1. Discuss with students the following questions:

• What does it mean to be obedient? [Hint: Obedience is submission to authority]

• When do you find obedience most difficult?

• Why is it so important for us to obey God?

Explain that we need to obey those who have authority over us – e.g., parents, teachers, police, etc. But the most important One each of must learn to obey is God. God doesn’t issue commands to keep us from having fun. Instead, obeying Him will help us avoid mistakes and to experience the life He intends for us. He loves us and desires what is best for us.

Read or have volunteers read Deut 30:1-10. Explain that as the Israelites prepared to enter the Promised Land, Moses foresaw a time when the people would rebel against God. As a result of this rebellion, they would be conquered by their enemies and forced to leave the land.

But Moses also prophesied that the scattered people would one day return to God and obey His commands, When that happened, God would again delight in them and bless them. Point out that it’s quite remarkable that the exile and return of Israel were all prophesied centuries before they took place — they weren’t just incidents that occurred in history. These things affirm the infallible nature of the Word of God.

2. How should knowing that God delights in obedience affect the way you live?
[Hint: if we want to please God, we must know what He expects of us. That knowledge is found in His Word. We must spend time with it and find ways to put it into practice. We also need to pray — not just speaking to God, but taking time to listen for how He wants to lead us. In. this way, we can learn to resist the temptation to sin.]

Explain that obeying God — whether in the small, mundane things or in larger, more difficult matters — is easier when we recognize the great joy it gives.

3. Read or have a volunteer read Deut 30:11-14. in what way is the Word of God unlike human instructions? [Guide: Explain that God’s commands aren’t hard to understand or follow. Nor are they hard to find. They’ve been written down in the Bible. And as we study the Word, the Holy Spirit will impress God’s truth upon our hearts and minds, bringing it to our memories during times of difficulty, temptation, and opportunity.]

4. Read or have a volunteer read Deut 30:15-16. What changes could you make to become more obedient to God? (Guide: Explain that just knowing God’s commands aren’t enough. We must choose to obey God. The decision we make will mean the difference between eternal life and destruction. if we love God, follow Him, and obey His commands, He will be delighted and we will experience the blessing of knowing Him.]

Involve Them: Write this anonymous quote on the board and discuss it with students: “Please God in all you do, and be pleased with all God does”.

How can you please God in all you do? [Hint: Live righteously by maintaining a growing relationship with Jesus and obeying God’s command.]

How can you be pleased with God even when you don’t understand what He is doing? [Hint: Knowing that God loves us and always has our best interest in mind allows us to trust Him and delight in Him in every situation.]

How can you let God know that you’re pleased with Him? [Guide: Encourage students to spend time each day worshipping God with words and actions and thanking Him for His blessings. God delights in us and wants us to delight in Him Psalm 37:4; Heb 12:28.]

Inspire Them:
Remind students THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study (pg 035), even as you explain WHAT’S the Big Idea behind the study is; WHY it matters; and HOW we can live the lesson captured in this study.

Invitation Option:
Explain that God is especially delighted when someone repents of sin and accepts Jesus as Saviour and Leader of his or her life. Provide an opportunity for students who have not accepted Christ to do so now.

Ministry Activity:
Give each student a note card and pen or pencil. Encourage students to think of a specific action they could do this week that would please. Encourage them to try something new — perhaps even something that seems difficult (e.g., they may get up half hour earlier than usual to spend time worshipping God and reading a portion of His Word.

Or they might share the salvation message with a classmate who doesn’t know Jesus]. Have them write on the card what they plan to do. Instruct them to keep the cards where they’ll see them throughout the week. Explain that God is pleased when we strive daily to live for Him and obey His commands. Conclude the session by encouraging students to consider how to please God and bring glory to Him each day.

TEACHER HINT: Ask Yourself…

1. Can students name two things that delight God? –

2. Can they explain what it means to be righteous?

3. Do they understand the importance of obedience to God’s Word?


  • Mon: Living in the Past – Num 11:1-6
  • Tue: Remember His Works — Num 15:37-41
  • Wed: Don’t Rebel Against God – Num 16:1-11
  • Thu: Only the Best – Num 18:25-32
  • Fri:  Trust – Num 20:1-13
  • Sat: What’s God Saying to You? – Num 22:23-3

Get all Assemblies of God Sunday School Manual here


Read and Study previous AG Evangel Daily Meal Here

Heavenly Father,

I come to You in humility and repentance, acknowledging my sins and my need for Your grace. Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God, who died for my sins and rose again to give me eternal life. I confess You as my Savior and Lord.

Forgive me, cleanse me with Your precious blood, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I turn away from my sinful ways and open my heart to You. Take control of my life and guide me in Your truth.

If you joined in that life-changing prayer, congratulations! We are happy that you have surrendered your life to Jesus!

About AG Sunday School Manual


The Assemblies of God Sunday School Manual provides comprehensive and engaging lessons to enhance your weekly spiritual journey. Designed for believers of all ages, this manual offers in-depth biblical teachings, practical applications, and discussion prompts to foster deeper understanding and personal growth.

Each lesson aims to inspire faith, encourage community, and equip you with the knowledge to navigate life’s challenges through God’s word. Join a global community of believers using the Assemblies of God Sunday School Manual and enrich your spiritual walk every week.

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