Kenneth Copeland Devotional 27 July 2024: Be Separate


Faith to Faith Devotional – Kenneth Copeland Devotional for Today 27 July 2024: Be Separate

Text: 2 Corinthians 6:17

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.

2 Corinthians 6:17

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Kenneth Copeland Devotional 27 July 2024 Message

We’re surrounded by a world which is ruled for the most part by Satan. How can we avoid getting caught up in it? How can we stand apart?

You’ll find the answer in John 17:17. There, Jesus was speaking to the Father about all those who would believe in Him. “Sanctify them through thy truth,” He says. “Thy word is truth.” Sanctify means “to separate unto.” So Jesus was saying, “Separate them by the Word.” The Word separates!

When you initially believed the Word of God, you were born again. You were spiritually separated from the kingdom of darkness and from the kingdom of Light. Now, that’s where a lot of people stop. They let the Word of God do its initial separating work and then go right on living like everyone else.

Spiritually, they’re still separated from death. But physically and mentally, they’re up to their necks in it. They’re poor. They’re sick. They’re worried. They’re confused. They’re upset. In other words, they’re just like everyone else in the world.

But if you give the Word of God first place in your life, it will continue to separate you from the poverty, anxiety, sickness, hatred, and darkness of your old habitat.

The Word of God will also do something else for you. It will not only separate you from the things of this world, but it will separate you from the things of God.

You can’t simply separate yourself from any old destructive habit without separating yourself to something else. You can’t turn away from the things of the world unless you turn unto something stronger. I’m telling you, you can scream and squall and kick the altar bench and everything else trying to get rid of the sin in your life. You can cry, “Dear God, take this sin away from me.” But all the begging in the world won’t separate you from your sin. It’s the Word that does it!

Make a decision to give the Word first place in your life. Make it a quality decision, a decision from which there is no retreat. Lock in to the Word and let the Word do its work. Let it separate you from the things of the world and to the things of God.

Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 6:14-18

Heavenly Father,

I come to You in humility and repentance, acknowledging my sins and my need for Your grace. Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God, who died for my sins and rose again to give me eternal life. I confess You as my Savior and Lord.

Forgive me, cleanse me with Your precious blood, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I turn away from my sinful ways and open my heart to You. Take control of my life and guide me in Your truth.

If you joined in that life-changing prayer, congratulations! We are happy that you have surrendered your life to Jesus!

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About Kenneth Copeland Devotional – Faith to Faith

The Kenneth Copeland Devotional for today, authored by Kenneth Copeland, provides daily inspiration and spiritual guidance for believers seeking to deepen their faith. Known for its powerful teachings and practical applications, this devotional reaches a global audience, offering insights that encourage personal growth and victorious living.

Kenneth and Gloria Copeland’s messages of faith and empowerment help readers navigate life’s challenges with confidence in God’s promises. Subscribe to the Kenneth Copeland Devotional and join a worldwide community experiencing daily spiritual strength and transformation.

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