Scripture Union Daily Guide 17 September 2024 For Today’s Devotional (Tuesday ) Topic The Blessings of Breaking Forth In Prayer
TOPIC: The Blessings of Breaking Forth In Prayer (Daily Guide for Today 17 September 2024 Tuesday Daily Devotional)
Dear Lord, I pray that you order my steps today through your word as I meditate on it.
Question(s) for Reflection
* Q2: Is there any example for me to follow or not to follow?
* Q3: Is there any command for me to obey?
* Q5: Is there any warning for me to heed?
The Book of Judges ends with the following words, “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25, ESV). It was a situation of internal anarchy, unpractical leaders, and great pressure from the Philistines, their constant adversary. Here we have the story of the beginning of the kingdom of Israel.
1 Samuel is a history, progressing from the end of the Judges with Samuel, who was both judge and prophet, to the death of the first king of Israel, Saul. We will consider the life of Samuel, the people’s demand for a king and the choosing of Saul by God and the people. We will also recognize God as a holy, jealous God who demands loyalty and obedience, a God who speaks and acts in the lives of individuals and nations.
Scripture Union Daily Guide 17 September 2024 Message
Have you ever been pushed beyond what you can bear, what did you do? Hannah did not just have barrenness to contend with, as if that wasn’t enough, she had a rival who made life unbearable for her. Notice what she did when she was pushed to the wall (vs.9-11). What would you have done?
Her husband also lacked understanding of what she was going through. Though they were on the same page, Elkanah wrongly assumed that he understood his wife. He couldn’t have because he had a second wife and had children through her. Take a moment to reflect on how you respond to people in pain.
The desire for a child in this context was not just a cultural matter but it was very spiritual. Notice Hannah’s prayers for a child; to glorify God. She would also give him as a servant to God. Elkanah being a Levite meant that his son, Samuel would become a servant of God from age twenty-five (Numbers 8:24–26).
But Hannah made a vow to give him over much earlier. She was driven to vow because of her situation. Was God waiting for Hannah to make this vow? We do not know but there were similar situations in the Jewish history with barren women such as Sarah, Rebekah and Rachel. From vs.19-28 we see God answer and Hannah kept her vow. Do you learn to return praise to God after answering your prayers?
* Any new insight or reinforcement of what you already know?
Also Study today’s Rhapsody of Realities 17th September 2024: The “Laila” of Christ
Closing Prayer: Pray for people around you who have found themselves in very difficult situations.
Offer a prayer of faith in line with 2 Thessalonians 3:3
One Year Bible Reading Plan
Daily Bible Reading Plan: Day 261- Ezra 4-6; Psalm 137
Join MFM 70 Days Fasting And Prayer 16 September 2024 Day 43 Prayer Point Online
Prayer for the week
* Pray for financial support for Christian ministries • Pray that God will raise genuine partners who are honest and are living holy lives • Pray against devourers in the businesses of partners
Offer a prayer of faith in line with Isaiah 32:17
Don’t Fail to Read Today’s DCLM Daily Manna 17 September 2024: The Greatest Joy
‣ The love of God will flow continually in the hearts of the leaders in all our formations.
‣ Financial open doors towards the work in the Region.
‣ Divine intervention in the condition of the access road to the Camp of Hope.
‣ All our leaders to be agents of revival and transformation continually.
‣ Leaders and members will remain focused not minding the few hands in the work, knowing that our labour of love will not be in vain.
‣ Raise a war cry against that alter at the entrance into the road of Camp of Hope, Benin.