Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 4th August 2024: True Joy

Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 4th August 2024: True Joy
Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 4th August 2024: True Joy

Grow Your Faith with Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 4th August 2024 for Today, treating the topic; True Joy

You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Psalm 16:11 (NIV)

Read Previous Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional in 2024

Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 4th August 2024: Message

We often think we will be happy when certain things happen—when we get married, when we land our dream job, when we buy our dream house, when we achieve our ideal weight, when we go on vacation, when we have children, when the children leave the house…the list goes on and on.

Depending on circumstances to make us happy is understandable. Lots of people do it, but focusing too much on future developments and events can cause us to miss the joy of each day.

As we grow spiritually, we learn to appreciate each day more and more, looking forward to the future with a positive attitude, but not letting our goals for the future steal our happiness in the present.

In the early days of my ministry, I had certain milestones in mind, and I believed I would be happy when I reached them. But God showed me that I would never find true joy in achieving goals or reaching milestones.

Having them is not wrong, but putting them ahead of God is. True joy is found only in God’s presence, and in serving Him according to His will. Have you found that worldly pursuits have not delivered the happiness you long for? Then spend time with God today and let Him show you what true joy is.

Did you miss yesterday’s Devotional? Read Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 3rd August 2024: Recovering Lost Things

Prayer for the Day

Father, I ask boldly for the restoration of all that the devil has taken from me in my lifetime. Help me stand firm in faith and refuse to go without the things You sent Jesus to provide for me. Thank You!

Read Also: Rhapsody of Realities 4th August 2024: An Excellent Mind

About the Author

Joyce Meyer Ministries is a Christian non-profit organization with a divine mandate to share Christ’s message and love people globally. Joyce Meyer is one of the world’s foremost practical Bible teachers.

Through Joyce Meyer’s Daily Devotional teachings and the calling on her life, her mission is to transform lives through various channels, including TV, radio, engaging media productions, and in-person conferences.

Joyce Meyer’s Daily Devotional Books focuses on numerous topics, emphasizing how God’s Word applies to our daily lives. Her straightforward communication style enables her to share openly and practically about her experiences, helping others understand and apply biblical principles in their own lives.

Stay full of the word and transform your life one devotional at a time. Explore Other Daily Devotionals Easily Here

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