Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 3rd August 2024: Recovering Lost Things

Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional for Today
Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional for Today

Grow Your Faith with Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 3rd August 2024, treating the topic, Recovering Lost Things.

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost.
Luke 19:10 (AMPC)

Read Previous Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional in 2024

Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 3rd August 2024: Message

Jesus came to seek and save lost sinners, but He also wants to help us recover everything that we have ever lost that He intended for us to have. I lost my childhood through abuse, but God started giving it back to me while I was in my fifties! It is never too late to take back the things the devil has stolen from us.

I learned to believe as a little child, to have fun like a child, and to trust as a little child. My natural father abused me, but I have a heavenly Father now who loves me and has promised to meet all of my needs, and so do you.

Have you lost your childhood, confidence, security, joy, peace, hope, trust, boldness, or anything else? If you have, then Jesus wants to give it to you now. Jesus has already provided for our complete restoration through His death and resurrection, and we simply need to realize it and pray expectantly for those things to be restored.

Everything from God comes through faith, so I recommend that you release your faith for anything you need. God can do more than we can think, or even imagine, and nothing is impossible for Him, so pray boldly. He loves you and wants you to be completely whole.

Did you miss yesterday’s Devotional?Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional 2nd August 2024: A Key to Emotional Health

Prayer for the Day

Father, I ask boldly for the restoration of all that the devil has taken from me in my lifetime. Help me stand firm in faith and refuse to go without the things You sent Jesus to provide for me. Thank You!

Read Also: Rhapsody of Realities 3rd August 2024: Talk to your body and it will hear you

About the Author

Joyce Meyer Ministries is a Christian non-profit organization with a divine mandate to share Christ’s message and love people globally. Joyce Meyer is one of the world’s foremost practical Bible teachers.

Through Joyce Meyer’s Daily Devotional teachings and the calling on her life, her mission is to transform lives through various channels, including TV, radio, engaging media productions, and in-person conferences.

Joyce Meyer’s Daily Devotional Books focuses on numerous topics, emphasizing how God’s Word applies to our daily lives. Her straightforward communication style enables her to share openly and practically about her experiences, helping others understand and apply biblical principles in their own lives.

Stay full of the word and transform your life one devotional at a time. Explore Other Daily Devotionals Easily Here

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