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Scripture Union Daily Guide 10th August 2024: We Must Obey God Rather Than Man

Scripture Union Daily Guide 10th August 2024: We Must Obey God Rather Than Man
Scripture Union Daily Guide 10th August 2024: We Must Obey God Rather Than Man

Scripture Union Daily Guide 10th August 2024 For Today’s Devotional (Monday) topic is We Must Obey God Rather Than Man

TOPIC: We Must Obey God Rather Than Man

Opening Prayer

Help me dear Lord to meet with you as I meditate on your word in Jesus name

Question(s) for Reflection
* Q1: What does the passage teach about God the Father, or God the Son or God the Holy Spirit?
* Q2: Is there any example for me to follow or not to follow?

Click HERE for the Previous Devotional

SCRIPTURE: ACTS 5 V 21b – 32.

21 At daybreak they entered the temple courts, as they had been told, and began to teach the people.

When the high priest and his associates arrived, they called together the Sanhedrin—the full assembly of the elders of Israel—and sent to the jail for the apostles. 

22 But on arriving at the jail, the officers did not find them there. So they went back and reported, 

23 “We found the jail securely locked, with the guards standing at the doors; but when we opened them, we found no one inside.” 

24 On hearing this report, the captain of the temple guard and the chief priests were at a loss, wondering what this might lead to.

25 Then someone came and said, “Look! The men you put in jail are standing in the temple courts teaching the people.” 

26 At that, the captain went with his officers and brought the apostles. They did not use force, because they feared that the people would stone them.

27 The apostles were brought in and made to appear before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest. 

28 “We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name,” he said. “Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man’s blood.”

29 Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings! 

30 The God of our ancestors raised Jesus from the dead—whom you killed by hanging him on a cross. 

31 God exalted him to his own right hand as Prince and Savior that he might bring Israel to repentance and forgive their sins. 

32 We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him.”

33 When they heard this, they were furious and wanted to put them to death. 

34 But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, who was honored by all the people, stood up in the Sanhedrin and ordered that the men be put outside for a little while. 

35 Then he addressed the Sanhedrin: “Men of Israel, consider carefully what you intend to do to these men. 

36 Some time ago Theudas appeared, claiming to be somebody, and about four hundred men rallied to him. He was killed, all his followers were dispersed, and it all came to nothing. 

37 After him, Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt. He too was killed, and all his followers were scattered. 

38 Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. 

39 But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.”

40 His speech persuaded them. They called the apostles in and had them flogged. Then they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.

41 The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name. 

42 Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.

Did You Miss Yesterday’s Devotional? Read Here: Scripture Union Daily Guide 9 August 2024: God of Miracles

Scripture Union Daily Guide for Today 10th August 2024 Outline

No matter your military strength and strategy, no matter your weapons of war and power behind you, the most fearful person to arrest for any crime is the man who disappears when a prison door is locked.

The Chief priest and the Sanhedrin council had an emergency Temple meeting because of the Apostles they put into prison and ordered their security personnel to bring them out and when they went there they saw the warders standing at their duty post and the prison doors properly locked but no one inside.

This got them perplexed and jittery and as they were wondering what had become of them news filtered in that the people were in the temple teaching about Christ.

The security personnel were ordered to go and bring them out but they traded with caution and applied wisdom, instead of using force to bring them out they appealed to the to come and see the Sanhedrin less they pay with their lives.

No one dare ask them how they escaped from the prison but their concerns was why they were still teaching in the name of Jesus Christ they had ordered them not to talk about.

Peter boldly told them, we must obey God rather than man and use the opportunity to tell them again that they killed Jesus Christ and hung Him on a tree the accusation they never denied.

You cannot challenge someone who is a carrier of the Holy Spirit rather his words will be judging your thoughts and actions which you have two options either to repent and believed to be saved or reject and go to hell fire.

The Bible makes it clear that God has not given us the spirit of fear rather of boldness and sound mind to face those who are opposed to the gospel.

The Apostles were not interested in theology but to declare the truth of the gospel raw as I’m doing in this message for you to receive it or leave it to your detriment.

Theology belongs to those who went to Bible School or seminar for their argument on religion, but we preach Christ and Him crucified and resurrected.

Are you truly a born again child of God, declare the word of God raw to everyone including the theologians, your priests, pastors and bishops without looking at their faces because some of them are in the parish like the priests in the temple to hold rigidly the old testament doctrines of their church which has no bearing to our common salvation.

They are protecting the church doctrine because of their stomach to the detriment of souls they are meant to save.

If I offend you in this message, I have no apology than to appeal to the leaders of the church to liberate those they are holding captive with church dogma.

Christ died to set us free from bondage, why should we be bound by fellow men just because they are chosen to lead us?

You Can Connect to Rhapsody of Realities for Today’s Lesson Here: Rhapsody of Realities 10th August 2024: The “Mighty” and the “Gods”

Practice/Word Application

Thought: “Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering you are” (I Peter 5:9, NLT).

* Any new insight or reinforcement of what you already know?

Closing Prayer

Father, please may I never lack the Holy Spirit boldness to declare your word because of the fear of my religious and secular leaders.

One-Year Bible Reading Plan
Daily Bible Reading Plan: Day 219- Jeremiah 1-3

You Can Connect to Open Heavens for Today’s Lesson Here: Open Heaven 10 August 2024: HUSBAND-RY



And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word…,
Mark 16:20

The lives of the TSes, their labor, sacrifices ; for provisions and protection in their numerous travels.

Wisdom, understanding and strength to do the work committed to their trust and for God’s presence as they reach out.
Favor and good working relationship with the other office staff, Area Committee members and all they work with. Abundant provisions for the work; divine provision and protection for their families

Every form of discouragement and distractions.

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